2 Responses to We’re on Facebook… Like us!

  1. Jake Tully says:

    I’m newbie when it comes to COBOL, but the migration from these old programmers and systems intrigue me. What should someone like me be thinking about/ researching / doing to be prepared for the next ten years?

    • Hi Jake,

      Glad you stopped by. What is most amazing is the number of COBOL systems still in production today. So for ‘newbies’ the two most important things are: #1 awareness and #2 desire. You seem to have both.

      There’s a recording of a Lunch and Learn we did with Doug Evans on the GDT COBOL Portfolio Analysis tool that you can start with. I can also work with you to set up a panel of our senior COBOL team and make that available to ‘newbies’ who are interested. I have a feeling that many would find it fascinating.

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