COBOL PortFolio Analysis

Managing COBOL legacy systems


Part 1 – migrations


Have you ever worked on a COBOL mainframe migrations to a server platform, or about to consider one?  While working as a technical manager providing COBOL solutions for my customer base, it was obvious that there was a need for me and the customer to gain a better understanding of their COBOL source repository.   For our migration, we needed a complete inventory – data files mapped and JCL hierarchies, and also extract business rules and produce flowcharts, but when I looked around for tools on the market that could provide some of these needs, they usually fell in one or all of the following categories:


  • Too Expensive to license
  • Difficult to work with
  • Did not exactly provide what was needed


Frustrated I couldn’t meet my needs from an existing product, working with my team of experienced COBOL and VB programmers we came up with a generic platform independent COBOL portfolio analysis tool that works on a laptop. This tool functions seamlessly in the work place, and provides just about everything we needed:


  • Data Maps
  • File usage
  • JCL hierarchies
  • Business rules
  • Flowcharts


We even got the tool to include business rules in the flowcharts, and with client input the tool is constantly evolving. Now, when I work on COBOL migrations at a customer site, I load up my laptop with the customer inventory and use the tool to map out a portfolio analysis to help guide the process.


If anyone else has needed to manage their COBOL legacy systems and has looked for a similar tool to assist, let me know your thoughts, I’d be happy to discuss issues and resolutions with you.

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About Doug

Doug Evans is the Technical Manager of Migrations and COBOL Solutions Support for Infosol, Inc.

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